dimanche 8 mars 2009

Saturday morning, jazz on place des Abbesses, just beside the subway entry.
All of a sudden it becomes a sort of tradition: music on the place.
I love street music, no matter what: klezmer, gypsies, classic, Irish, i love it!

And this is a doll quilt made by my friend Marie Claude, she invited me for luch last thursday and we spend a couple of hours in her quiet appartment, just the two of us .
We had not met for several years, so there was so much to talk about....
MC loves to work with silks, her husband is from Japan, and oh, you should see her stash!
It's a pity that you can't see the beauty of the fabrics at the pictures, i was wordless....
Take a look at her beautiful website:
www.france-i.com/marie/index or google on: chambre des couleurs.
As her DH is a webmaster, her quilts are very nicely presented. Her lovely home was also featured in one of the 2008 issues of QUILTMANIA.

Thank you for the interresting comments on my last post.
I realize that there are many among us who are interrested in reuse and new ways to use different fabrics for quilting.
Clare, i will contact you privately very soon.
Yuki, thank you for your lovely offer, but i've build in 30 years a big big stash, and if you need something typical french, i will help you with pleasure.
I will soon present my woollen tops, made from thrift, found, you name it.

Yesterday was filled with household work, cleaning, washing, changing furniture to another place, very satisfying!
Happy quilting on the 8th of march, WOMEN'S DAY

3 commentaires:

sewprimitive karen a dit…

How amazing that they got the piano out there for the street music, wish I could hear it. Darling doll quilt!!

Yuki a dit…

I love street music also. I was in DC for lunch with friends and there was a guy with about 12 buckets of varying sizes. He was using them as drums. He was amazing.

I checked out your friend's website. Her quilts are amazing! I just loved the mini-quilts.

The doll quilt is adorable.

Fabric is very addicting but still cheaper than therapy. I play with my fabric and feel better.

ttfn :) Yuki USA

martine a dit…

Lekker Parijs sfeertje , jazz op straat.
Wat je hier toch het meeste ziet zijn Roemenen met een accordeon.