These are my favorite quiltbooks at the moment:
Childhood treasures is a MUST for doll quilt lovers, and even more because it's written by Merikay Waldvogel, i have all her books.
I met her in the 80ties in Paris, she gave a lecture on antique quilts, so little we knew then about the subject, and what a struggle to get reliable information...........
Stunning quilts is lovely too, but i had no time yet to get to the bones.

And i 'm plunged in Lewis and Clark:
i'm fascinated by travel stories, this part of the American history is breathtaking!
The other books are in Dutch, Bataven relates the life of Dutch immigrants in France, mostly during the French Revolution.
Pauperparadijs is a sad story, about extreme poverty and dictatorial paternalism and the influence on one family during several generations.

Two scarves i bought at my junkshop:
both are provençal
i intend to use the for quilting,but i'm scared to cut such a nice fabric.

Look what the postman brought me!
A surprise from Francisca, she spoiled me with antique fabric from Spakenburg in Holland, one of the last villages where elder women still wear local costumes.
So precious because THIS IS FADING AWAY quickly!
Thank you so much Francisca, you made my day..........

I hesitated a long while to show you my DJ;
you've seen so many of them!
It's finished since 1998,and i loved to make it.
I'm pretty sure that this one was one of the very first ones finished in Europe.
It's pictured in 4 parts because of the difficulty to spread the whole thing.
I'm leaving on friday morning for Nantes, and will spend 2 days with my friend Jojo, so fun is in the air.
You'll have a nice reportage when i'm back.
Happy quilting ladies and have a nice weekend.