Kept me away from blogging , but also a long vacation in Granville, with her.
She's eight and a half now, and i tell you, she's able to stay for more then 4 hours in the sea....
That means that you have to keep your eyes wide open all the time, but what a joy to do so....
No need to say we were exhausted and went to bed early.

Some piccs from Granville, in the St. Michel's bay.
Wheather was from gorgeous to correct for the more than 3 weeks stay, few rain or strong wind.

An entry in the neighbourhood with some quilt inspiration from a concrete tile floor: these floors can be seen in many old buildings , and the tile mitifs are endless, i've seen many many of them, but i do not always carry my camera with me.....
A thing i did during the vacation was taking care of Elisa's clothes, and repair some of them like this little cardigan, some liberty fabric and a bracelet with the leftover and 3 buttons.....
She's very girly,and likes to be dressed up.

The biggest job was done for the eight pointed strars: the last will be to put everything together.
I think this will be a spectecular quilt from a technical point of view, i'm glad i gave it a scrappy look by taking several greens , reds and blues.

These are the leftovers, amazing .
I've cut he exact amount as mentioned on the pattern, and it turned out is was FAR TOO MUCH.
It's not a drama though, and it will probably end up as four patches or nine patches.

The reason you'll have to wait for the reportage about the linen festival is because i'm leaving tomorrow morning for a little trip to the Netherlands.
I will stay at my sister's, and we may go to the Dutch Quilters Guild exhibition in Deventer.
From there i'll go to Amsterdam to see my quilting buddiesand go to the Elsass to Ste Marie aux Mines for the yearly quilt festival over there.
I'm exited, i have not be out on my own for quite a while.
I've missed you dearly when my computer was out of order, but a whizkid from the neighbourhood helped to transfer stuff from the old hardrive on the new, so a have my bookmarks back.....
Definitely not a job for elder ladies.......
Will in Paris, take care.