Hello you all quilters,
this morning my friend FrançoiseP,
not a quilter herself, send me a furious e-mail, saying 2 weeks without a post was more than enough LOL
Is it the summer heat that makes me lazy?
Anyway, i grabbed some stuff i wanted to show you for a long time amready.
This dollbed quilt for example, made with the remnants of remnants.
It's been pictured for QUILTMANIA in a lovely way.

Monique is working on a BONNIE HUNTER project for a friend of hers.
She mixes prints and some plaids, good mix Monique!

This top is soooooooooo huge, and the outerborder is not even sewn!
It was explained in 3 issues of QUILTWORKS.
Sadly, the magazine does not exist any longer.
It was very clearly explained, not one of those you can make in a short time,but what a kick while sewing a new row.
Anne Marie made her and had hardly any experience in machine sewing tops at that moment, but she handled it brilliantly.
Her top has a darker background from tan to beige.

Teddy sitting on the bunch of crossstich embroideries i'm collecting in order to make "things"
Not sure what, maybe a big bag and a floor throw to start.
Prices for those things a still reasonable, but some stylists are working with those, so prices may rise quickly.

A piece of silk from my junkshop, two meters long.
Last but not least:
sad news:
The American Bookshop BRENTANO'S closed after a long agony, i used to go there frequently,Galingnani's is an alternative, but has less quiltbooks and no quiltingmagazines.
That's the way life goes, they say Brentano's could no longer afford the rents on Avenue de L'Opéra..
Happy quilting ladies,enjoy the summertime!