Pooring rain, monday mood to fight so i created an artistic mess on the table and ironing board. Opened a box with japanese fabric, some chrome yellow and scraps and a quilt in mind: mainly blue, blue monday.... But it's taking shape, and quicker than i thought......
Today the wheather is bright and sunny, hello from Paris!
6 commentaires:
Looks like a wonderful combination of fabrics to be playing with on a rainy Paris day!!
Ooh, I'm looking forward to seeing what these will make! Making spare parts is always a good idea. I should try it sometime. ; >
Wat een lieffies!
Dat is toch ook maar het beste dat je kan doen tijdens druilerige dagen, een doos met heerlijk gekleurde stoffen pakken en aan de slag! Enig!
An artistic mess! Oh! I so love that. It's the best remedy for a rainy day. Enjoy the process. ;^)
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