Three whole days with Joes who came to Paris for a very special reason : the famous collection of JOKE VISSER, a dutch collector collector of historic embroideries.
The exhibition is till the 5 of july in the BIBLIOTHEQUE FORNEY, in the heart of Paris.
If you are in town i can tell you only one thing: GO GO GO
I've been twice now and consider a third visit....
Sadly, fotos are not allowed, but a marvelous catalogue costs 25 euros, and worth every penny.

We had fun, and i was free as a bird, DH went to his hometown in Macedonia, good for both, LOL

Joes spoiled me with the latest fabric collection from Petra Prins, and believe me, i know what to do with it.

my latest junk find: a piece of chintz of the best kind, and the china sort of blue is very elegant

Some sewing-in-progress to prove i'm also working on quilts before i wish you a very happy weekend and a picture from a hanging garden rue des Abbesses in Montmartre, in front of my favorite little café, LE CHINON.
Sitting here in nearly wintercloths, it's cold here and i just read on an Australian blog they have a very warm winter, strange planet we live on.....