was far beyond my wildest expectations and i looked so forward to come to the show for the third time.
After a 2 hours ten minutes trip with the fast train and a few minutes walk to the convention center i met Joes and Isabeau for breakfast in their hotel, where they were chatting with the Aussies, great fun because i missed them in Paris: on the picture you see from left to right:
Randi from Norway, Valérie, Bev, myself and half hidden behind me Isabeau,Joes, Linda from Quilts from the Barn and an English quilter.
Precious, precious moments and laughter before the left for the Mont St. Michel...

This is the Maggie Bonamoni room, filled with rustic woolen wallhangings,quilts and penny rugs, lovely decorator's items in style.
The bedquilt was made from the most humble scraps.

Pictures with the red background are small wallhangings started with smaal embroidered squares of approx. 4 inches.
These squares are made by Aghan women, to provide them some relief and money.

The doll was crocheted by an Italian lady, her booth was filled with only crocheted items, very creative.

Convention center

An unexpected meeting with a lady whom i met as a client in the Paris quiltshop where i worked in the nineties, and we share the love for traditionnal quilts and fabrics.
She showed me parts of the hexies quilt she started, the plastic bag filled with flowers.
She made my day and i wonder how many quilters are now working on the same project.
The incredible triangle quilt was made from only triangles, just two fabrics, one square of triangles mesures half an inch.......
WHAT A JOB.................
I have now finished the top of the medallion quilt and i'm searching for an opportunity to take a decent pic.
More Nantes to come and wish you a good weekend from a dull and chilly Paris, windy too
Will V