mercredi 7 mars 2012


The blocks for NI i  dumped only seconds ago.
And i forgot to say something about the craftshow:
I was not at all inspired about the exhibitions, sort of futuristic garments from art schools all over Europe , little for quilters but heaven for knitters and embroiderers.
I baught fabric at PETRA PRINS from the Josephine collection and the latest issue of Selvedge.
Take care and i hope to see exiting stuff in Amsterdam.

8 commentaires:

antique quilter a dit…

beautiful blocks. oh must have been shopping

Annelies a dit…

I work on friday in the shop in Amsterdam. Hope we will meet !

Ann-Mari a dit…

Love your choice of colours.

Anonyme a dit…

Great colors! Keep going....I wait with anticipation.

betty prins a dit…

Mooi mooi je blokken, de heldere kleuren maken de blokken zo bijzonder.
Heel veel plezier in A'dam!

Lucy a dit…

Mooie blokken, veel plezier dit weekend. Het lijkt mij leuk om je weer te zien. helaas lukt het mij niet om dit weekend naar A'dam te gaan.

Nancy in MT a dit…

I've missed your posts. I found the wonderful Wedding Ring quilt pattern in an old issue of quiltmania. It will become one of those one of kind quilts to make in the future, I tend to have many.

Nancy in MT

Anonyme a dit…

Direkte link ( ik doe het ff in het NL LOL)
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Klik OK et voila: en directe link.
Succes .
Wat heb je trouwens prachtige stofjes gekocht.