A few quilts from Brigitte Giblin's corner, she is also from Australia, but her roots are french, and that becomes clear when you look at her fabric choice: some toiles and prints she gathers in France during the visits.

Hello Helen, hello Susan, so nice talking to you again, come back next year!

The vendors corner, very busy for long hours, better go there after 4 pm....

And dangling conversations with Sue, Mirjam, Linda and Françoise, and her box of chocolates to die for...

Still meditative sewing, but something will happen pretty soon:

look at their faces....

sewing boxes and pincushions....

hey, the best scissors in the world


Betty appliquéing a darling little block,

WOW!! Sue Maddox and the glowing lone star she will bring back home in the UK

And all of a sudden madness all over: Mary Koval poppin'in with her palampore panel giving a piece to all the girls around the table as a souvenir!

Who showed that Quiltmania mysteriequilt?

This is what i brought home this year: new books and some fabric, just a few fat quarters, Hirishima needles, supposed to be the best there is and they truly are marvelous, don't bend at all, easy to thead also. I bought twelves my fav. number.

I stopped every day at Petra Prins' booth and had a little chat with Gerda who makes the most enchanting hexies.
Greetings from Will V. in Paris, cold and windy, i'm still in winterclothes....