Last week we had a bee: the small top is a crib quilt, i made it after seeing the photo on pinterest, they all loved the hexie center and the prussian blue on the border. It looks more english than american.

Do you remember the snailtrail in progress ? I made it after a quilt in Edyta Sitar's book A HANDFULL OF SCRAPS. The top is ready now. She calls it SLOW AND STEADY, and that's what it was....

Maybe you may say i'm boring with the MOUNTMELLICK, it's the last time, promised.... The final border is half of a pillarprint, as a whole it was simply overwhelming!
The fabric is from a Barbara Brackman print for Moda, way back to the nineties.

Here is the serial you-know-what working on a rustic crazy quilt, with embroidery of course

and a tiny woolen pincushion on her shoulder.

Busy bees are Sylvie and Anne Marie.

The serial... also finished her Japanese top, a gem

and the darker border is beautiful. More good news about her: SHE IS STARTING A BLOG!!! Just retired, she finely had the time to show you more! Take care you all and hugs from Paris.