that i managed to put 30 tops in my luggage and a small backpack for my toothbrush and went on my way to Zutphen and Amsterdam, for a show and tell, so amazing and such a warm welcome i couldn't even dream of.
Thanks to the brilliant idea of Joes and Elsbeth, i was invited by Petra Prins in Zutphen and Nel Kooiman from den Haan en Wagenmakers in Amsterdam. If you see more pics from Amsterdam , it's because it seemed better to me to show the pics from the quilts only once.
The first picture is from my niece Judith who was such a precious help and schlepped the quilts to Zutphen.

Petra busy with providing everbody with coffee , and giving all the visitors a good place.

Some ladies came from as far as Belgium, as my friend Françoise L from Gent, and went home with inspiring fabrics from Petra's quiltshop nextdoor...

Judith in discussion with An Moonen, the dutch quilthistorian, who came too, allthough recovering from health problems and i'm grateful for her information and endless knowledge about antique quilts!

Next day Amsterdam: Nel and Petra on the doorstep waiting for the guests and once more: full house with quilters from all over the Netherlands.

three buddies: Ellen, Roxane and Isabeau.

In my starting blocks and Petra will help holding up the tops:

NI, just finished before i left, not much to say about the other tops, i let them speek for themselves.

This is the only quilted quilt.

Betty, Judith Ebbelaar and Ineke, three quilters i would like to meet more often!

Betty showed us her Stonefields top, truly a gem!

With Nel and Isabeau at the end.
Diepe dank aan ieder die dit heeft mogelijk gemaakt, in welke vorm dan ook, door onderdak te geven, lekker eten bij Judith in Arnhem, de andere Judith die mooie foto's van de tops maakte in Amsterdam, de komst van de quilters die van zo héél ver kwamen, de lieve cadeaux, de gezelligheid bij Joes, het vertrouwen van Nel en Petra, die lieveGerda die op de winkel paste en de volgende dag naar Amsterdam kwam, ik ben bang dat ik iemand vergeet!
Het was een onvergetelijk avontuur!