early on wednesday morning in the fast train to Nantes after a sleepness night: just before arrival, the train is longing the river Loire, with some spectacular views.
While queing up to enter in the congresscenter, i admired the yarnbombing from local knitters, they truly did an awsome job.

I went to see the Jane's first. More than a hundred of Jane's, copies and more free versions, but all beautiful and think of the thousands and thousends of hours of meditation while sewing, hours of hapiness and sorrow and worries too....

People seemed to be over the moon and i was charmed by Betty Prins' red and pink Jane, sparkling and elegant

and happy to have mine hanging there too, but mine's just a clone . I've started mine in februari 1996, and finished in march 1998, so it's one of the oldest made in Europe .

Such pleasure to meet Di Ford again, and see her quilts, the careful sewing and the machine quilting too, a perfect match.
I've met some quilters who took a class with her, they were all very happy with her kind attention.
Hope to meet her again, she's so cool and laid back.

Knitters and crocheters had taken over the back part of the main hall, but this is no longer my cup of tea since the girls are grown up, allthough i still admire their patience.

three quilts from An Moonen and Petra Prins new book, a must too.

A detail of a woolen quilt, from Minick and Simpson, all in blue , beige and grey, rustic and graphic, definitely my kind of quilts.
I'll be back tomorrow friends, more pics and a bit of socializing,
Will V in Paris, cold again....