samedi 16 février 2013

Been to the craftshow and saw this:

A beautiful expo about wool in the largest sense of the word:
blankets, coats, pullovers, carpets, from all over the world.
Isn't wool one of the most useful and yet mysterious  material?
The soft touch, the warmth, nothing can compare...

Next three are from a Swiss Artist, forgot his name, sorry, but his art is full of laughter.

Embroidery from an English artist

embroidery from Marie Thérèse Aubin

And friends from Le Rouvray

Petra Prins and Renée, busy little bees as always

And lovely Carol from QUILTMANIA

her crew and the crowd on the left.

It was an exhausting show: i had my survival kit: a waterbottle, hot tea cellphone and crossword puzzles for quiing up, more than half an hour to get inside, strollers, people schlepping schleppers, suitcases, enormous backpacks, you name it.
i bought a lunch for a fortune instead of taking my home made sandwich, silly me....
No seat available, and the lucky ones who had one sat in a sort of condition one could find in Eastern Europe resto's from the sixties , miserable.
And you pay 12 euro's entry fee.

I was three times at Houston festival, so big that it's far beyond European standards, but also such a friendly atmosphere, relaxed and nobody would push you or whatever.
I'll be back tomorrow at the very end to pick up a book and some fabric,but i have an invitation this time...
Enjoy weekend, greetings from Paris, Will V

vendredi 15 février 2013

Such a lovely meeting this morning :

Betty spend St Valentine wth her husband in Paris, and accepted to meet me for a coffee at the Marché St. Pierre, just around the corner.
We had never met before, but i felt at ease straight away with her and we'll meet again in Nantes, where we'll be a growing crowd;
Ségolène Schweitzer and Christine Meynier came in unexpected and joined us for  a while.
Ségolène works hard on her book that will come out during the Nantes happening.

Betty gave me a sweet huswif with some Dutch fabrics and the backing is an antique french fabric .

We're expecting finally a warmer weekend and some sun.
Take care you all, i'll be back tomorrow with pics from the craftshow, very exhausting.
Will V in Paris