I met Carol and Marie Claude at the craftshow in November and they had a delicious little booth with little quilts shown in the new magazine COUNTRY VINTAGE, sure i bought a copy.

Sylvie is working on this starquilt: DO YOU RECOGNIZE THE PATTERN JOES? and it turns out so sweet:yummy colors and nice quilting. We had a meeting at Michèle, she lives in an appartment in a suburb, with a view on a little lake, and the weather was as gorgeous as in early spring or fall, and with unreal warm temperatures.
The cold is on since only a few days, windy and some rain, but i don't complain, with Christmas in one week only.

Remember the serial knitter?She made a darling little bag and the brooch isn't bad too huh?
AnneMarie brought her latest top to show us, the double wedding ring with a stunning crazy embroidery.

One of Michèle's quilts hanging in the hall.

I'm currently working on this: a good friend gave me a tattered top, made from 16 patches blocks,some very damaged , worn out or stained.
So i saved the good squares, cut them into 2.1/4 inches and made four p, atches out of it.
The light blue fabric , very old too, fit nicely in with the little blocks, so see the result.
I'm not even sure it needs an outer border, but maybe some of you have brilliant ideas.....
Still loads of blue available.

This is one of the dollquilts i'm finishing,leftovers from a big bedquilt.
I'm not very much in the mood for Christmas, but i'll do the best i can and we're happy to see Elisa at the seaside.
Take care, Will V in Paris