for the LINEN FESTIVAL, like last year, we were six this time and had a wonderful base in EU. We saw sweet little cottages like this one, and monumental housing is the villages, but more of the Normandy architecture in the next post.

Three pictures of MICHELE GLEIZER'S huge cross stitch panels.
She embroiders on old linen sheets, with silk threads.
This passionate woman is also a well-known actress.
She kindly shared a moment with us, and explained her work, telling us she's able to embroider 10 hours a day, taking care of her position on the chair, and having a counter especcially made for her.
She usually works more than 5 months on the larger pieces....

Michele Gleizer signing the catalogue of her exhibition in the church, where we also saw the little doll quilts, simply shown on the back of church chairs.
For some mysterious reasons, a few pics came out blurry, others better.
And the floor, we all loved the designs.

A few steps away we found the perfect pinic ground, vive la France for the food and drinks, i should start dieting straight away.....

The monumental altar

Today i stop by showing you this little dollquilt i managed to finish lately, the little triangles are leftovers from a big quilt.
I will be back before friday with more from Normandy.
What a gorgeous summer we have this year, but he lack of water is dramatic in the country side.
Will V in Paris, wishing a happy 4th of July to my fellow American quilters.