a day in Dominique's garden,, but even here we had to go inside for lunch and the rest of the day.
I didn't work at all, looked at the girls goin'on with their projects and passed time reading D's scandinavian decoration magazines VAKRE and JEANNE D'ARC. Whow, the kind of homes i just LOVE!
I made little mistakes, partly due to the lack of space necessary for machine piecing and rotary cutting, and the mess here........ shame on me!
I can live with the little imperfections you may notice here and there.
I can live with the little imperfections you may notice here and there.
I still find it difficult, but glad i did the experience, learning lots about machine piecing .
The machine pieced quilts i made until now were simpler ones, and the problem here is inserting little squares and triangles with a 45 degrees angle.
Come back this weekend for more from the linen festival.
I'm not at all a football fan, but sunday evening i'll go to a café with a bunch of Dutch for the grand finale!
Will in Paris, hot hot hot!